Freedom of information
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) came into force during 2005. The Act applies to all public authorities with the aim of making information available to any person (individual, company or any other body) on request.
A request must be made in writing (including email). There are a number of exemptions that may be applied to withhold information that should not be disclosed. The FOIA is retrospective and therefore includes information that is held by a public authority prior to 2005.
The Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) were also implemented during 2005. Unlike the FOIA, an EIR request can be made verbally or in writing. There are exemptions that can be invoked to withhold the releasing of sensitive data.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, any person may make a request for information and must be treated applicant and motive blind. The organisation has up to 20 working days to respond to the request.
Main features of the Act
- A general right of access from the 1 January 2005 (subject to certain conditions & exemptions) to all information held in recorded form
- To inform the applicant if the information is held
- To adopt a publication scheme
If your request relates to information regarding our internal business or how NHS Midlands and Lancashire (NHS ML) operates, please redirect your request to NHS England: please include the words “Freedom of Information” in the subject line.
For information relating to services NHS ML provides on behalf of our customers, these requests should be directed to each individual customer’s website.