Thorough research and analysis by our Complaints & PALS Team informed commissioners of best practice which ultimately led to improvements in the handling of complaints and service change across Lancashire and South Cumbria.
Our Complaints and PALS Team has conducted a benchmarking exercise across NHS complaint handling bodies in Lancashire and South Cumbria (LSC). This followed concerns emerging about how complaints were being handled across LSC by both commissioners and providers.
We created a benchmarking questionnaire that was sent via NHS England and NHS Improvement to all LSC clinical commissioning groups and NHS trusts (10 complaints handling bodies in total). Analysing their responses highlighted wide variation in performance against targets. We also found potential examples of best practice worth further investigation to identify learning that could be shared.
We drew up a list of recommendations to ensure effective use of the data gathered.
Our recommendations set out scope for further exploration where this exercise highlighted disparities or good practice.
The benchmarking returns showed commissioners how their providers handle complaints and what additional information could be gathered to drive improvement and inform future commissioning.
It also led to a discussion about options for how complaints could be handled across the emerging integrated care system and primary care networks as care pathways become better coordinated around the needs of the patient. A task and finish group of heads of complaints/patient experience was set up to make proposals for service change and improvement across the LSC Integrated Care System, reporting back to the Directors of Nursing Group in early 2020.
We plan to replicate this work in other areas.
Further information
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