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E-learning product on net-zero carbon emissions target

E-learning product on net-zero carbon emissions target

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Our e-learning product on net-zero carbon emissions raised awareness amongst staff of both organisational and national net-zero targets and helped to raise awareness of NHS Midlands and Lancashire’s (NHS ML’s) green plan, resulting in individuals making personal pledges to reduce their carbon emissions.


NHS ML was tasked with creating an e-learning product to educate on the net-zero carbon emissions target, which would be available on the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) system. The training aimed to raise awareness of both organisational and national carbon net-zero targets.


To achieve the objective of raising awareness of both organisational and national carbon net-zero targets, we created an e-learning product on net-zero carbon emissions targets which covered several topics, including:

•Carbon Literacy – Introduction to the course and learning objectives

•Climate Change – Causes and effects of climate change including a video

•A Greener NHS – Why we need a ‘Greener NHS’ and national/local ambitions & initiatives

•Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ NHS – Carbon Footprint (Plus), CO2 Emissions, NHS Green Plans

•Interactive Assessment – Multiple choice learning evaluation covering course content

•Further Reading – Links to case studies and follow-up resources

•ESR material can be tailored to include an organisation’s Green plan to increase awareness and inform of the green initiatives.


Our e-learning product had a significant impact, achieving its primary objective of raising awareness amongst NHS ML’s staff of organisational and national net-zero targets. The training also helped to raise awareness of NHS ML’s green plan, and individuals were required to make personal pledges to reduce their carbon emissions.


One staff member who undertook the training reported that they were already environmentally aware, but completing the training gave them a better understanding of the negative effects of climate change and the need for urgent widespread action. They found the training interesting, informative and with lots of credible sources. They shared some of the information within their household, provoking conversations about what they could do to reduce their carbon footprint, and it did not go unmissed that being eco-friendly could also save them money. They found the training an enjoyable and interactive experience and made a personal pledge to make a difference in their little bit of the planet.

PJ Thorniley | Individual Funding Request Service Manager for Cheshire and Merseyside, NHS ML 

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