We responded quickly, efficiently, and with compassion to an urgent need to support residents of a nursing home facing imminent closure.
A nursing home in Southport was closing down following a high profile criminal investigation. Conviction of the owner left the residents in a very vulnerable position; for many it had been their home for a long time. They all had to leave as a matter of urgency. Most of the home’s registered general nurses (RGNs) had left at this stage and several residents were still there awaiting new placements. There was a period when no nursing home RGNs were available for duty.
News story for background info: https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/live-sentencing-crooked-care-home-14903626
Our Merseyside CHC team worked with Southport and Formby CCG’s chief nurse in supporting residents of the nursing home and their families during this difficult time. While suitable nursing home placements were found, our nursing staff went into the home to perform and oversee nursing duties to keep all of the remaining vulnerable residents safe, as agreed with the CCG. Our staff ensured the remaining patients had their dressings applied and ensured medication was given out. They often willingly stayed beyond their normal work hours to maintain residents’ safety and to ensure continuity until their placement was sourced. They assisted in the transfer to other nursing homes to reduce the trauma and impact on the residents.
Our team ensured the residents’ care was not compromised and helped all to find alternative suitable accommodation.
“The multi-agency working they demonstrated in very challenging circumstances over a prolonged period of time was exceptional. This has also been formally acknowledged today by Margaret Carney, Chief Executive of Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council, who asked for her thanks to be passed onto all the teams involved.”
“As a nurse myself, I fully understand the impact that the immense personal and professional effort given to this case will have had on the CHC nurses themselves and would like you to pass on my thanks and appreciation in particular to Jo Ryder (CHC Head of Service / Locality Lead), Margie Learie (CHC Team Manager) and Mary Clarke-Roach (CHC ICN) as well as to the rest of the CHC team who have continued to manage the day-to-day business within the team during these past few weeks.”
Fiona Taylor, Chief Officer, South Sefton CCG and Southport and Formby CCG
Further information
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