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Summarising a complex and high-profile consultation

Summarising a complex and high-profile consultation

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The North Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) requested support to summarise a complex public consultation about improving community-based services. NHS Midlands and Lancashire’s (NHS ML) Communications and Engagement Service led on a full suite of public-facing documents and wider campaign materials to explain the proposals and encourage residents to engage with the consultation.


NHS ML’s Media, Editorial and Publications Team summarised several large, internal documents to produce a public consultation document that presented the information clearly, logically and in an easy-to-understand way for the general public.

We worked with our in-house Engagement, Involvement and Insight Team and our Campaigns, Creative and Digital Team to provide a seamless end-to-end service which included design, an engagement survey, copywriting, event management and printing materials.


The 52-page consultation document formed the core copy and content for a micro-website, newsletters, media releases, social media messages and presentations at events.

A designated account manager project managed from start to finish to ensure that sign off processes were adhered to, all partners kept informed and agreed deadlines were met.

The survey was a success and received 553 responses in a 14-week period, and more than 600 people attended a range of public events, focus groups and meetings about the consultation.

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