Information Rights

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Transparency is fundamental to the functioning of organisations, especially those working in the public sector.

Under the Data Protection Act 2018, individuals have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data.

Transparency is fundamental to the functioning of organisations, especially those working in the public sector.

Under the Data Protection Act 2018, individuals have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data.

When you use our Information Rights service, the Information Governance team will work with you to provide all the tools and knowledge required to ensure that any individual rights requests received by your organisation can be recognised, assessed and managed within the parameters set out in law.

We enable this by tailoring our service to meet your organisation’s requirements – from providing a full end-to-end subject access requests (SAR) case management service to working with you to set up systems, templates and processes for your organisation to internally manage such requests.

We can also provide expertise to develop comprehensive privacy notices to proactively inform service users as to how and why their data is processed by your organisation.

Similarly, for organisations subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR), our team has years of experience in managing such requests and creating publication schemes in line with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) model scheme on behalf of clients.

We work with our clients to identify a service that fits your needs, from providing a fully outsourced solution to ad-hoc support to ease the pressure due to unexpected increase in volume. Our expert Information Rights team can swiftly relieve backlogs which, if unresolved, may lead to escalation to the ICO.

Our subject matter experts will assist by assessing processes to ensure such issues do not reoccur.

Our dedicated Information Rights team are vastly experienced in providing services covering all aspects of the request lifecycle and can utilise their expertise to realise the benefits of our systems and processes for your organisation.

From a more specialist perspective, we can also offer case-by-case support through experienced peer review of request responses or support with the management of information rights related issues or complaints.

Contact us for more information at or 01782 916 875.

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