Interim IG Support

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Sometimes things happen within an organisation that means resources are stretched. When this happens, you may need a little support to ensure services can continue to be delivered safely and in line with legislation and guidelines.

NHS Midlands and Lancashire’s Information Governance (IG) team can help you fill resourcing gaps that may occur within your organisation, whether this be short or longer term.

Whether it is for a few weeks or a few months, or on a case-by-case basis, the IG team is here to support your organisation’s IG resource.

From providing interim team members for maternity cover to outsourcing of work streams to relieve the burden on existing staff for specific projects, we can provide experienced and knowledgeable IG practitioners to work alongside your current staff as needed.

If you think we can ease some of the pressure experienced by your current teams, even on a temporary basis, please get in touch and let us know where we can help.

Contact us for more information at or 01782 916 875.

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How we can help health systems

Business enabling services

Delivering a wide range of support functions through transactional services, business partnering and transformation that drives efficiencies and releases value and time…

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Business enabling services

Clinical redesign and provider collaboration

Redesigning how health and care works across England - placing people at the centre of their own health and care and utilising…

Learn more about Clinical redesign and provider collaboration
Clinical redesign and provider collaboration

Communications and engagement

Supporting ICSs with approaches to design and deliver effective communication, engagement and behavioural insights as a key enabler for system change and…

Learn more about Communications and engagement
Communications and engagement

Developing health systems

Acting as an independent and trusted partner within the system to facilitate working across stakeholders and integrate elements of the provider system…

Learn more about Developing health systems
Developing health systems

Digitally enabled transformation and IT

Digitising care and partnering with systems for the transformation of digitally enabled service delivery (and other supporting processes) across vision, planning and…

Learn more about Digitally enabled transformation and IT
Digitally enabled transformation and IT

Personalised healthcare commissioning services

Providing end-to-end funded care services, including patients as active partners in identifying their healthcare needs and then commissioning care to meet these.…

Learn more about Personalised healthcare commissioning services
Personalised healthcare commissioning services

PHM analytics and decision support

Applying intelligence-led understanding of the health of the population to support the redesign of care and improve patient and financial outcomes across…

Learn more about PHM analytics and decision support
PHM analytics and decision support

Place and primary care transformation

Supporting providers to work together at a place and neighbourhood level to manage common resources, integrate community teams, improve health and reduce…

Learn more about Place and primary care transformation
Place and primary care transformation

Workforce resilience and transformation

Supporting systems to build a sustainable and integrated workforce, transforming systems, organisations and the workforce experience to improve resilience.

Learn more about Workforce resilience and transformation
Workforce resilience and transformation