Associate Lead Nurse
Karen Farrell is an experienced registered nurse, with a background of district nursing and over 20 years in continuing healthcare (CHC) services at senior level, including several different roles within clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), until joining NHS Midlands and Lancashire (NHS ML) in 2018.
Prior to joining NHS ML Karen was the QIPP Development Manager at Southeast Staffordshire and Seisdon Peninsula CCG where she was responsible for writing and negotiating a new CHC / Funded Nursing Care (FNC) service specification for NHS ML to deliver and advised how to redesign the CHC/FNC service in order to increase performance and efficiency, whilst delivering QIPP schemes for the CCGs.
With an eye for detail and the drive and ability to motivate others and implement change, Karen also reviewed systems and processes relating to commissioning individual packages of care for services relating to CHC, children and young people’s care, transforming care, Section 117, complex cases, acute brain injury, and personal health budgets.
This track record of delivering the operational agenda to achieve strategic targets makes Karen a valuable asset to the PHC team.
A real team player, Karen is a great communicator and skilled manager who leads the PHC service from the front and remains as passionate as ever about nursing and improving quality of patient care.