
19 July 2024

Case study

Unifying medication prescribing across Cheshire and Merseyside

The harmonisation project led by our Medicines Optimisation team successfully established governance and streamlined formulary reviews. By creating a collaborative working group with pharmacists from primary and secondary…

4 July 2024

Case study

Optimising immunisation services with an integrated hub and spoke model in Greater Manchester

Our Improvement Unit’s independent service evaluation led to the recommendation of an integrated hub and spoke model, aiming to standardise practices across Greater Manchester and set a national…

1 July 2024

Case study

Enhancing efficiency and sustainability with a diagnostic healthcare workforce strategy

Through strategic collaboration and comprehensive planning, we enhanced the efficiency and sustainability of the diagnostic healthcare workforce within an integrated care system (ICS) addressing critical workforce gaps and…

1 July 2024

Case study

Implementing a flexible working framework and training package for enhanced workforce culture

An NHS foundation trust, in collaboration with NHS Midlands and Lancashire, developed a flexible working framework and training package to promote a culture of flexibility, enhance recruitment and…

1 July 2024

Case study

Sustaining and expanding international recruitment for an integrated care system

Our Workforce Planning and Transformation team’s efforts secured a three-year investment for the International Recruitment Workforce Bureau, enabling the recruitment of 630 international healthcare professionals in 2023/24 and…

13 June 2024

Case study

Advancing maternity and neonatal services with interactive data dashboards

Our collaboration with NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICB resulted in the development of an interactive dashboard that significantly advanced the understanding and management of maternity and neonatal…

12 June 2024

Case study

Reshaping an integrated care board for future success 

We successfully guided the organisational change process for an integrated care board, aligning its workforce with the long-term vision and ensuring seamless implementation despite significant challenges.  Background  Integrated…

10 June 2024

Case study

Developing a user-centric website for cardiovascular care excellence

The National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research (NICOR) partnered with NHS Midlands and Lancashire and NHS Arden and GEM collaborative Communications and Engagement team to develop a new,…

6 June 2024

Case study

Improving mobile breast screening in Liverpool, Sefton, and Knowsley

Implementing recommendations within the Liverpool, Sefton, and Knowsley Mobile Breast Screening Programme has brought about substantial enhancements. Augmented engagement, clarified governance, and the establishment of a robust service…

6 June 2024

Case study

Evaluating the Answer Cancer service in Greater Manchester

Our evaluation of the ‘Answer Cancer’ initiative increased cancer awareness in underserved communities and demonstrated good value for money. Our findings will inform future commissioning to improve cancer…

6 June 2024

Case study

Integrating Cheshire and Stockport breast screening services

The successful implementation of NHS England Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) approved recommendations resulted in the establishment of a fully integrated service, streamlined governance, improved staffing levels, and…

5 June 2024

Case study

Driving strategic workforce planning and operational excellence in an integrated care board

Through strategic leadership and effective collaboration, we significantly enhanced the understanding and implementation of a comprehensive workforce plan for an integrated care board, ensuring sustainable workforce supply and…

4 June 2024

Case study

Integrating recruitment services into a central team to deliver at-scale efficiencies 

Centralising recruitment services for NICE through NHS Midlands and Lancashire significantly improved efficiency, reducing time-to-hire to under 30 days, enhancing resilience, and enabling strategic focus, ultimately streamlining processes…

29 May 2024

Case study

Developing a seamless user journey website for the National Institute for Health and Care Research

In May 2024, the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) unveiled a revamped website. Designed by the Communications and Engagement team,…

24 May 2024

Case study

Optimising staffing strategies, cost reductions and strategic governance

Through detailed analysis and strategic governance frameworks, we reduced the usage of agencies for staffing, leading to notable reductions in agency costs and enhanced compliance with national targets.…

21 May 2024

Case study

Calculating Quality Reporting Service Local’s impact on driving efficiency in primary care claims management

Our involvement in Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) Local has proven to be a critical asset in improving efficiency, reducing administrative burdens, transforming governance, and creating a benchmark…

29 April 2024

Case study

Aligning medication guidelines: The Cheshire and Merseyside initiative 

The Cheshire and Merseyside initiative, aimed at aligning medication guidelines, has enhanced medication management practices across the region. By improving consistency, streamlining processes, increasing transparency, and promoting continual…

16 April 2024

Case study

Scaling non-medical prescribing services for enhanced patient care

Our Medicines Management and Optimisation team has improved patient care by improving processes and automating tasks to ensure timely access to medications and maintain safety through competency assessments…

9 April 2024

Case study

Supporting hospital transformation programmes to embed equality, diversity, and inclusion considerations

Between 2022 and 2023, our Inclusion Unit provided a bespoke ‘due regard’ support package to the Lancashire and South Cumbria New Hospitals Programme (NHP), helping to further embed…

2 April 2024

Case study

Ensuring Care Quality Commission readiness through collaborative intervention at Portway House

Our Nursing and Urgent Care Team’s intervention significantly transformed a care facility, enhancing staff morale, competence, and confidence, ultimately transitioning it from requiring improvement to being well-prepared for…

14 March 2024

Case study

The digital transformation of Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust website

Our Communications and Engagement team helped Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust achieve a digital overhaul, enhancing website usability, functionality, and accessibility, enabling the trust to better serve and…

20 February 2024

Case study

Enhancing stroke risk management by developing a comprehensive reporting dashboard

The implementation of the cardiovascular disease prevention dashboard markedly enhanced stroke prevention strategies, offering healthcare providers critical data on key risk factors and driving substantial improvements in the…

8 February 2024

Case study

Transforming tobacco control: How our data analytics improved health outcomes

The development of interactive dashboards and comprehensive data analysis significantly helped NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System to enhance the effectiveness of its tobacco prevention and control…

2 February 2024

Case study

Reducing the use of Lorazepam at a dementia nursing care home

Our Medicine Optimisation Care Home team successfully reduced the reliance on regular Lorazepam prescriptions in elderly residents of a dementia nursing care home, improving medication safety and appropriateness…

2 February 2024

Case study

Achieving operation excellence and strategic impact

Our adoption of the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) Procurement Excellence Programme has significantly increased operational control. It has helped us be more confident and proactive,…

29 January 2024

Case study

Understanding performance drivers across urgent care pathways

Our Business Intelligence team in partnership with Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board, revolutionised data management and decision-making processes within the urgent care pathway, enhancing both efficiency and accuracy by developing a comprehensive, interactive…

17 January 2024

Case study

Improving frailty care through data innovation

We developed an innovative, interactive dashboard that has significantly enhanced the delivery and effectiveness of frailty care in Lancashire and South Cumbria, fostering system-wide improvements through comprehensive data…

22 December 2023

Case study

Improving workforce sustainability at an NHS foundation trust

Our Organisational Development team implemented a dynamic five-year integrated workforce plan at an NHS foundation trust, resulting in a clear prioritised plan of action to achieve a strategically…

19 December 2023

Case study

Supporting the transition to an integrated care board

Our Digital Transformation team’s expertise in programme management significantly enhanced an integrated care system’s readiness for the 2023 integrated care board (ICB) transition, establishing a robust programme management…

13 December 2023

Case study

Enhancing programme management office functions at Lancashire and South Cumbria integrated care system

Our Digital Transformation team’s in-depth review and strategic guidance significantly improved Lancashire and South Cumbria integrated care system’s programme management office, leading to enhanced governance, better resource allocation,…

13 November 2023

Case study

Navigating winter challenges with a proactive resilience strategy

Our strategy in navigating winter challenges enabled real-time monitoring and prompt adjustments in urgent and emergency care capacity, significantly improving patient outcomes and decision-making processes in the NHS…

10 November 2023

Case study

Enhancing equality impact assessments at Terrence Higgins Trust

The Inclusion Unit’s workshops significantly improved Terrence Higgins Trust’s approach to equality impact assessments, fostering deeper engagement, understanding, and a shift towards more inclusive and effective decision-making processes.…

9 November 2023

Case study

Driving healthcare transformation through data-driven intelligence

We achieved a system-wide enhancement in healthcare service delivery, decision-making efficiency, and operational effectiveness through advanced data management and performance analytics. Background In 2020, the Lancashire and South…

3 November 2023

Case study

Examining health inequalities among people with learning disabilities in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland

This study revealed significant health disparities among people with learning disabilities in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland, prompting targeted prevention efforts, increased awareness of intersectionality, and a focus on…

13 October 2023

Case study Long read

Empowering Rose: Court of Protection and exemplary application of the Mental Capacity Act

We supported an integrated care board (ICB) to assess the mental capacity of a patient with complex issues, represented the ICB at Court of Protection proceedings and ensured…

13 October 2023

Case study

Strengthening Dudley Integrated Health and Care Trusts operations through programme management

Our programme management capabilities significantly enhanced the operations of Dudley Integrated Health and Care Trust, ensuring timely project completion and embedding a value-optimising framework for sustained future success…

27 September 2023

Case study

IT integration and facility upgrade for the Shawbirch Medical Centre

Our Digital Transformation team seamlessly transitioned Shawbirch Medical Centre to their new facility, introducing advanced IT systems, successfully integrating neurology services, and enhancing patient experience, all within budget…

25 September 2023

Case study

Digital roadmap for implementing a primary care network clinical system hub

We helped implement a clinical system hub which led to significant cost savings, enhanced efficiency, and halved GP time for Worcester City Primary Care Network (PCN), demonstrating the…

25 August 2023

Case study

Preventing cardiovascular diseases through lipid therapy modification 

We adopted a systematic strategy to identify primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease which resulted in enhanced lipid therapy, lifestyle advice and a 65% patient satisfaction rate.…

17 August 2023

Case study

Improving the safety of patients prescribed clozapine

Our partnership with a local mental health trust resulted in advancements in addressing inadequate clozapine documentation, leading to improved patient safety, optimised medication processes, and quantifiable cost savings.…

14 August 2023

Case study News

Improving outcomes for vulnerable residents in Lancashire and South Cumbria

Our Business Intelligence team’s data-driven approach led to: improved care access, lowered acute service demand, and empowered patients, making a positive difference for vulnerable residents in Lancashire and…

2 August 2023

Case study

Inhaler prescribing errors: Identifying risks and improving patient safety

We improved patient safety and raised awareness across GPs, hospitals and community pharmacy of the risks of prescribing inhalers containing duplicate ingredients from the same drug group by…

31 July 2023

Case study

Improving epilepsy services and reducing health inequalities

We brought together patients, experts and care system partners to identify areas of concern which contribute to premature avoidable death in people suffering with learning disabilities and autism…

25 July 2023

Case study

Helping a local council to order equipment efficiently

Our management of Staffordshire County Council’s community equipment service led to the elimination of a backlog, improved administrative processes, and the re-establishment of positive stakeholder relationships. As a…

18 July 2023

Case study

Bespoke coaching to support staff through new or difficult situations 

We supported staff through challenging situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, organisational change, and developing communication skills which resulted in improved well-being, minimal work-related stress absences, constructive dialogue…

17 July 2023

Case study

Understanding mental health attendance in Emergency Departments

Our dashboard on mental health attendance in Emergency Departments empowered commissioners and providers to identify care variations, establish baselines, evaluate initiatives, and enhance support, leading to improved planning…

9 July 2023

Case study

Improvement Support Programme North West Acute Trust Provider

Our work with the North West Acute Trust Provider improved their incident and risk management processes, resulting in a notable reduction of open incidents, better risk mitigation, and…

5 July 2023

Case study

NHS-funded nursing care reviews

Efficiently completing overdue NHS-funded nursing care reviews within budget, our team ensured individuals’ health and social care needs were met, identified necessary referrals, and fostered strong partnerships with…

26 June 2023

Case study

Enhancing elective surgery outcomes

Our expertise in information governance has played a crucial role in improving surgical outcomes through the Surgery Hero project, reducing complications, minimising cancellations, and shortening post-surgery stays. Background…

22 June 2023

Case study

Patient flow efficiency in five acute and community trusts

We successfully improved patient flow efficiency in five acute and community trusts, achieving zero ambulance delays, reducing handover times, and implementing timely crew shift completions through data-driven strategies…

22 June 2023

Case study

Medicines Safety Assurance Tool (MSAT), developed in 2014 and still in demand

We introduced the MSAT in 2014 which has since been further developed and fully utilised supporting organisations with systematic ways of assessing medicines safety and assurance. Background National…

15 June 2023

Case study

Increasing patient referrals to the National Diabetes Prevention Programme

By implementing effective strategies, we increased patient referrals to the National Diabetes Prevention Programme. The number of primary care referrals more than doubled, with 42 GP practices actively…

23 May 2023

Case study

Supporting the delivery of the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICS green plan 

Our support in developing the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICS green plan resulted in a robust and deliverable plan that aligned with the ICS’s objectives, demonstrating their commitment to…

12 May 2023

Case study

Support for ICB’s ledger build: Streamlining the transition to an integrated single financial environment

We streamlined the transition to an integrated single financial environment for 11 clinical commissioning groups to integrated care boards (ICBs) ledger builds, delivering all implementations on time with…

9 May 2023

Case study

E-learning product on net-zero carbon emissions target

Our e-learning product on net-zero carbon emissions raised awareness amongst staff of both organisational and national net-zero targets and helped to raise awareness of NHS Midlands and Lancashire’s…

3 May 2023

Case study

Using geo-spatial analysis to determine the impact of a hospital service reconfiguration

We provided detailed geo-spatial analysis that was central to determining the impact on patients in a complex hospital service reconfiguration project, which was essential for commissioner assurance and…

28 April 2023

Case study

Positive impact of physiotherapy pilot programme 

We increased the coverage of physiotherapy services from approximately 3% to 15% and improved communication and reporting, resulting in a significant positive impact of the physiotherapy pilot programme…

14 April 2023

Case study

Risk and governance processes review and recommendations

We provided specialist support to an acute trust to accelerate improvement by developing a risk management program to reduce risks, assuring quality by making recommendations, and developing a…

11 April 2023

Case study

From strategy to execution: Delivering a comprehensive digital transformation investment plan

We prepared a comprehensive three-year Digital Transformation Investment Plan that seamlessly integrated into the full Integrated Care Board (ICB) Plan, driving digital transformation and delivering exceptional value to…

3 April 2023

Case study

Enhancing clinical audit processes: A review of an acute trust

We made a significant impact on an acute trust’s clinical audit processes by providing a thorough diagnostic report and recommendations aligned with best practices, resulting in improved quality…

30 March 2023

Case study

Improving risk management in an Acute Trust: A case study of streamlining internal processes

We undertook a diagnostic review that optimised the underutilised features of a risk management system and simplified data capture, resulting in improved risk and incident management for the…

23 March 2023

Case study

Transforming healthcare: Developing Integrated Service Models for the Shrewsbury Health and Wellbeing Hub

We supported the development of a new Health and Wellbeing Hub in Shrewsbury by designing and agreeing on integrated care models based on best practices for frailty, long-term…

20 March 2023

Case study

Evaluating a digital tool to manage caseload and care in community mental health​

We helped reduce mental health crisis rates and optimise user flows by introducing a new data capture tool, evaluating existing digital tools and implementing a service redesign which…

16 March 2023

Case study

Maximising value for limited funding: Efficiency analysis for COPD pathway

By analysing the results from stakeholder decision conferences along with the STAR tool, we empowered ICSs to efficiently allocate resources for COPD patients and maximise value within limited…

9 March 2023

Case study

Our Way Of Working: Embedding a new agile and flexible organisational culture at NHS Midlands and…

Through extensive engagement and consultation processes, and a robust communications strategy, we successfully fostered a culture of agility and off-site working, allowing our people to shape how we…

6 March 2023

Case study

Implementing the NHS smoking cessation service at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

We provided support to the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, enabling them to become an early adopter of the NHS smoking cessation service and contribute efficiently towards…

3 March 2023

Case study

Developing shared values for a new PCN

We helped a primary care network create and establish a new set of shared meaningful values developed by staff as part of their organisational development plan. Background Bridgedale…

26 January 2023

Case study

Using automation to reduce waiting lists across two ICSs

Using a combination of automated chatbot, robotic process automation and human call agents, we helped trusts within two integrated care systems (ICSs) contact over 80% of their waiting…

11 December 2022

Case study

Promoting the Health Equity Assessment Tool in the Midlands​

Our Nursing and Urgent Care team successfully delivered Health Equity Assessment Tool training to 407 participants across the Midlands, exceeding the target and significantly raising awareness of health…

9 October 2022

Case study

Improved online experience and increased social media engagement for NHS Leadership Academy 

​Our work with the NHS Leadership Academy significantly enhanced their online presence and social media engagement. Over seven months, we produced engaging videos, images, and posts, increasing Twitter…

15 August 2022

Case study

Improving health outcomes using our population health management tool

Using our population health management tool, we have helped identify people with clinical and social issues across Lancashire and South Cumbria, enabling early interventions to improve health outcomes.…

2 August 2022

Case study

Implementing financial reporting tools at the University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust

Our support has resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of financial information held. Background The Finance Department at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust required…

22 July 2022

Case study

Pharmacy support to Lancashire and South Cumbria COVID-19 vaccination programme

We provided insight to clinical enquiries, produced reports and worked to develop standard operating procedures to help improve patient safety and increase access to the vaccine in Lancashire…

20 July 2022

Case study

Improving high-dose opioid prescribing

We helped Greater Preston and Chorley & South Ribble Clinical Commissioning Groups significantly reduce high-dose opioid prescribing, bringing it into line with evidence-based recommendations. Read the full case…

18 July 2022

Case study

Cost saving and wider expertise with HR services at scale

We provide a centralised HR function to five integrated care boards which ensures that better quality and a wider breadth of HR services are provided at a lower…

9 July 2022

Case study

Virtual health and wellbeing festival ​

​Our week-long virtual health and wellbeing festival boosted staff morale and engagement, with 759 attendees participating in 42 sessions, and receiving exceptional feedback (average scores of 4.7/5 for…

8 July 2022

Case study

Digitally enabling blood pressure monitoring at home

We helped the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System increase patients measuring their blood pressure at home, delivering a major digital transformation within primary care which became the…

7 July 2022

Case study

Improving medicines safety in Wirral care homes

Our medicines management and optimisation team improved safety and care for elderly Wirral care home residents, helped to prevent falls and hospital admissions, and saved costs. Background Nationally,…

1 July 2022

Case study

Facilitating wellbeing conversations with health and care staff: Be Well Midlands

We helped health and care leaders in the Midlands to take a transparent, collaborative approach to uncovering opportunities for improvement in staff health and wellbeing and creating an…

1 June 2022

Case study

Enabling remote healthcare monitoring in Black Country and West Birmingham

We designed and implemented a programme of transformation to enable remote monitoring across healthcare in the Black Country and West Birmingham health system. Background In 2021, NHS England…

27 May 2022

Case study

Improving care for people with learning disabilities and autism

We codesigned and delivered a transformation programme for the improvement of care for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. Background NHS England and NHS Improvement set out key…

24 May 2022

Case study

Achieving the best from primary care network pharmacy teams

We provided a tailored package of strategic and operational support to a newly formed pharmacy team at a primary care network, helping them increase the rate of structured…

18 May 2022

Case study

Discovering efficiencies and service improvements in Leicestershire

We helped an NHS trust analyse and visualise data on key performance indicators with the aim of releasing efficiencies and to assess inequalities in service provision on a…

17 May 2022

Case study

Recovering hospital utility costs

By identifying and recovering electricity costs from rooftop telecom installations, we helped NHS trusts enhance their cost improvement programmes. George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust recouped approximately £170k in…

10 May 2022

Case study

COVID-19 vaccine safety at primary care network vaccination centres

We ensured that vaccination centres functioned with safety at the highest level by training staff and providing ongoing senior pharmaceutical support. Background When the COVID-19 vaccination programme began,…

25 April 2022

Case study

Helping a COVID-19 vaccination programme provide an efficient and equitable service

Our business intelligence experts helped the Lancashire and South Cumbria COVID-19 Vaccination Programme to provide an efficient and equitable service. Background The Lancashire and South Cumbria COVID-19 vaccination…

7 April 2022

Case study

Informing COVID-19 vaccination centres’ geographical planning

Our dynamic heat maps showed where vaccine uptake was lower, where there was a higher concentration of social care providers and other population analyses by different criteria to…

5 April 2022

Case study

Increasing the uptake of health checks for patients with severe mental illness

We helped integrated care systems increase numbers of annual physicals health checks for patients with severe mental illness by finding and implementing suitable technology to enable healthcare staff…

4 April 2022

Case study

Helping North Staffordshire Trust pay suppliers

We quickly mobilised financial services helping an NHS Trust to process and pay supplier invoices. Background In April 2021, a cohort of learning disabilities and mental health patient…

31 March 2022

Case study

Integrating data for the Combined Intelligence for Population Health Action (CIPHA) platform

We helped key stakeholders in the Cheshire and Merseyside health system see combined intelligence reports on capacity and demand for health services, allowing them to respond to COVID-19…

22 March 2022

Case study

Support to tackle bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace

We facilitated the design of and implemented a bespoke online tool to make it easier for staff to report bullying, harassment and discrimination Background ‘Your Voice: Report and…

18 March 2022

Case study

Success in setting up community pharmacy services

We helped commissioners with medicines management expertise in setting up and maintaining community pharmacy services, freeing up capacity across primary care. Read the full case study For more…

15 March 2022

Case study

Embedding equalities and inclusive decision making in the LLR system

We helped an integrated care system implement a framework for making decisions that addresses bias and improves how equality is considered from the outset of decisions and proposals. …

10 March 2022

Case study

Improving equity and equality in maternity and neonatal care

We combined national metrics and local NHS, council and third sector data to help health systems understand where there are inequalities within local services. Background There was a…

2 March 2022

Case study

Improving use of medicines across Merseyside – Pan Mersey Area Prescribing Committee

We had another successful year in 2020/21 at the Pan Mersey Area Prescribing Committee promoting the safe and efficient use of medicines and completing a series of medicines…

11 February 2022

Case study

Assessing demand for COVID-19 LAMP testing

We helped an integrated care system to evaluate demand and capacity for COVID-19 LAMP testing to ensure labs could meet the need for routine staff testing. Background The…

7 February 2022

Case study

Evaluating the national Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes programme

The evaluation of the National Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes (MOCH) programme demonstrated significant improvements in medication management, including reduced doses, discontinuation of unnecessary medications, and decreased use…

7 February 2022

Case study

Taking an integrated approach to equality and inclusion planning

We helped the council and clinical commissioning group in Trafford to develop a joint five-year equality, diversity and inclusion strategy. Background Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Trafford…

4 February 2022

Case study

Leading a hospital transformation programme

We developed a strategic outline case setting out the ambitions and next steps in one of the NHS’s largest hospital transformation programmes. Background The Transformation Unit at NHS…